The Miller Systems WW2 Campaign
The Miller Systems WW2 Campaign is very likely the most ambitious Play by Mail/Play
by Fax ever designed. It is a simulation covering all the fighting of World War II over
the entire globe. This incredible game features entire teams of individuals controlling
the major powers of World War II over a 30,000 hex map. Note that the ADC set used
is only used by the Campaign directors....not the actual players. ADC is used as the
method by which the PBM is kept track of. Most of the actual players don't even own
I have been playing PBM Strategy games for years. Miller Systems WW2 Campaign is
definitely the best global-scale game I have seen, and I have seen a few. I strongly
recommend this System.
-Mika Stahlberg
Units include infantry, armored and mechanized formations, air units, naval units (to
include BBs and CVs) paratroops, marines, engineers and more. Production is a key element
of the game. Players from around the world send in their turns to Miller Systems, where
they are processed and adjudicated (if necessary) by human judges. Results are mailed back
to the players, including color maps printed of the current situation.
GAME Rules include: Strategic Redeployment, Supply, Diplomatic Status, Production,
Recon, Diplomacy, Special units, Trade, Lend Lease, Licensing (for weapons production),
R&D, Upgrades, Intel, Partisans, FlaK, Experience, and much more.
Contact info:
Mr. Leigh Miller
344 Lady MacDonald Crescent
Canmore, Alberta
the web site for more information
Major powers include Japan, the USSR, Germany, Italy, France, British Commonwealth
& the USA. Players may choose to be the Political Leader, a General, an Admiral or any
combination of the 3. Once minimal registration is achieved, minors such as the
KMT, Red
China, Turkey, Sweden & Spain will be offered in a similar fashion for game #3. Teams
& positions will be awarded to those who offer to take the most paying positions for
any power. Larger team entries are eligible for free birthday turns. Positions are
currently available game #1(June'42) and #2(Mar'40) or a new game from Sep'39. Registration is $50US. This includes rules and our copy-righted color wall maps for your
own war-rooms. The first command is $20US, $15 for every additional command, $10 for
garrison commands. Turn-over rate is one month for one month game time.
We translated my copy-righted global WW2 Campaign board-game for play-by-mail and
e-mail(hopefully) to be simulated by HPS's Aide de Camp program. The pbm/em is also
copyrighted. The entire world is represented by our 30,000 hex map. Each hex roughly
represents 100km diameter. The maps are in color and the only WW2 game map with historical
borders and names throughout. Political Leaders are in charge of the following:
Economics...resources are translated into production points (pp) only when they
successfully reach the capital. The sum of pps is what the Pol Ldr has to work his
economy. He is responsible for the building of units, use of engineers to build naval and
air-bases, fortifications, canals and industries. He is also responsible for budgeting for
diplomacy points (dp) to sway neutrals and even major powers. He is furthermore responsible
to communicate with other Pol Ldrs only through Miller Systems and arrange trade and
alliance treaties. More responsibilities include expenditures for R&D and
Intelligence/Counter- intelligence efforts. Unlike other pbm games, his legal (according
to referees) direct orders cannot be disobeyed. Only he can declare war or peace and he is
in charge of transfers and reinforcements. Depending upon the Power, he may be encouraged
to assume certain additional Commands such as Home Guard General to execute and defend
against Strategic Air Warfare for example.
Generals are in charge of all ground and assigned air units in their sector. Unlike other
pbm games, there is not one General for ground and another for air. As General, you are in
charge of your own Tactical Air Support.
Admirals are in charge of all naval and assigned air units in their sectors. Again, you
are in charge of your own land and carrier-based Tactical Air Support. Most present
players assume more than one Command. A General for North-west Africa is well served being
the Admiral for the Western Mediterranean as well for coordination purposes. The Prime
Minister of the UK is well served as General Home Guard and Admiral North Atlantic as well
for coordination purposes. These are not requirements, only examples. Land units are
roughly Corps level. Types included Infantry, Engineers, Marines, Paratroops, Mechanized,
Light Armor, Medium Armor and of course Heavy Armor. Air units represent between 25-50
aircraft. Types included Recon, Transport, Fighter, Attack and Bomber...including float
and carrier versions. Naval units represent a Convoy of up to 50 vessels, 10 Submarines to
a wolfpack or group, 5 Destroyer Escorts to a Flotilla, 3 Light or Heavy Cruisers to a
Squadron and individual Battlecruisers, Battleships and Heavy and Light Aircraft Carriers.
Privacy ensured, unless you give us written permission, we will not give out your real
name, address, phone nor e-mail#s. All diplomatic communication must be through the
(Click for larger version. Note: this screen shot does not show the
Americas, which are also included on the map)