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Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk
Expansion Pack Scenario
Last Train to Vitebsk
Gorodok, 18km N of Vitesbk: Just two days into the renewed German drive into Russia, and
General Yeremenko of the Soviet High Command knew his troops were in trouble. "Gain
time, stop the eastward rush of the German tanks! Build up a line of defence whatever the
cost!" was the order he had been given. And so began the shift of the 19th Army via
rail from southern Russia to Vitebsk. The Russian regiments leapt from their railcars
straight into action against 7th and 12th Pz Divisions. But Col Gen Hoth's staff had
discovered the plan to use the railroad from a captured Russian officer. They reacted by
turning 20th Pz and 20th Motorized Divisions around to the west to smash the Russians from
the rear. [1100 sq Km - 10 Turns] |
A Surprise for "Fast Heinz"
Dnepr River, 26km S of Orsha: On the morning of the 11th July, 1941, Guderian, "Fast
Heinz" to his troops, had decided that the Dnepr had to be crossed with no delay.
"Gross Deutschland" Regt with the 10th Panzer Division were to force a crossing
and proceed with all haste to secure the North/South highway at Gorki. This scenario poses
the question: What if the Russian 5th Mech Corps had been held in reserve as a
counter-attacking force and had been equipped with some T-34s and KVs? While this scenario
can be enjoyed with the Human playing either side, it was designed with the idea that the
Human Player should play the Russian Defenders in this scenario. [2000 sq Km - 14 Turns] |
The Strip
Gusino, W of Smolensk along the Orsha-Smolensk Highway: On the 13th July 1941, the 17th
Panzer Division had another encounter with the T34. At dawn the leading regiment of 17th
Panzer moved into action along the Orsha-Smolensk Highway near Gusino. They went through
waving grain crops, across potato fields, and over shrub grown heath. Around 1000 hours
contact was made with the enemy. General Yeremenko had brought up some fresh units of the
20th Soviet Army. They were moved into the strategically important strip of land to bar
the road to Smolensk, the very road 17th Panzer were now trying to force! This scenario
can be played either H2H or vs. the AI from either side, but will provide the most
challenge with a Human German against the AI. [500 sq Km
- 12 Turns] |
The Road Works
Near Monastyrschina, 51km S of Smolensk: Guderian's 2nd Panzer Gruppe had crossed the
Dnepr with comparative ease. His plan was to first cut off the city completely and then
encircle it. 10th Panzer Division had encountered little resistance as it moved to cut all
communications from the southwest. As dawn broke on the 14th of July, a KampfGruppe was
pushing east to cut the highway when it encountered an Independent Tank Regiment on its
way to join in a counterattack on 10th Pz. This is a small hypothetical scenario designed
to assist players to understand the dynamics of a mobile battle with many options. [800 sq
Km - 10 Turns] |
The Night 'Shift'
Just south of Smolensk: "Total defence" was the order for the garrison of
Smolensk - "hold every building or die!" But this order alone was no match for
the cunning assault of the Thuringian 71st Infantry Regiment. Lead by Colonel Thomas, this
elite formation swung into action - surveyed the situation and then struck hard at a weak
place along the river east of the city, forcing their way into the city using more finesse
than force. This is a smaller scenario that highlights this brilliant and lightning
maneuver by the superior German troops as is especially enjoyable when played with an Axis
Human vs. the AI, or two Human opponents. [700 sq Km - 12 Turns] |
Desolate Dump on the Desna
Yelnia, 77km SE of Smolensk: Yelnya has been described in the literature as "a
desolate wrecked dump on the Desna!" Yet it gave its name to a sector of front where
battles raged for five weeks. Why? It was a road junction almost surrounded by high
ground, and represented an important strategic position as a "jumping-off" point
to Moscow. Both sides knew this and so, as the battle of encirclement raged in the
vicinity north of Smolensk, Guderian pressed forward with the 46th Panzer Corps to occupy
this high ground. German aerial reconnaissance discovered the Russians had scraped
together what they could and moved to defend this sector. On the night of 20 July the 10th
Panzer Division advanced on Yelnya with the SS "Das Reich" Division on its left
flank. Their orders were to take Yelnya! [900 sq Km - 18 Turns] |
Forward Groups Kachlov
Stadolishche, 75km SE of Smolensk on the road to Roslval: By the 24th of July, the Battle
of Smolensk was well into its second phase, with the Germans pressing to close gap and
completely encircle the Russian Armies with their mobile Panzer forces. The 46th Panzer
Corps had pushed on Yelnya to occupy the high ground for the next phase of the drive to
Moscow while the 47th Panzer Corps was taking a well-needed rest. One division, the 17th
Panzer was out of action for refit, and the other, the 18th Panzer was regrouping in the
area of Pochinok. The infantry of the motorized Gross Deutschland Regiment held the German
right flank. Meanwhile, the Infantry Corps (foot and horse bound types) were just
struggling to catch up to the advancing army. This was the time the Soviets felt they
should counterattack. Group Kachlov formed from the 28th Army was giving the task of
striking hard into the German southern flank. History and hindsight has taught us that
Russian counterattacks in 1941 were doomed to fail. For this scenario to reflect the
events of this two day battle, it should be approached with an aggressive Human as the
Russians Player against either the Computer Opponent or another Human Player. [3200 sq Km
- 22 Turns] |
The Thin Grey Wall
Near Roslval, 100Km SSE of Smolensk: On the 15th August 1941, the German 292nd Infantry
Division's regiments were stretched tenuously thin as they attempted to cover their area
of responsibility. They were heavily engaged in defensive fighting to hold on to their
lines. Lt Gen Kachalov, Commander of the 28th Army, realized that this was his opportunity
to punch a hole, with his remaining armor, through the grey cordon surrounding his men.
This would enable his battered command to breakout through the hole to escape, and live to
fight another day. That is.........if Guderian let it happen! [750 sq Km - 15 Turns] |
The Bear Strikes
Yelnya, 60km SE of Smolensk: In late August of 1941, General Zhukov was given the mission
of rubbing out the Yelnya Salient. During the early morning hours he launched an attack
against the German infantry holding the Yelnya pocket. By this time, the panzers had
driven south into the Ukraine. The Soviet 102nd Tank Division carried out the assault with
the goal to cut the Smolensk-Yelnya rail line. Henceforth, they could continue pressing
south, to bag their own pocket of German infantry, using the same tactics employed on the
Red Army. Zhukov was learning fast how "Blitzkrieg" worked! [700 sq Km - 12
Turns] |
"General Mud"
Vyazma 190km W of Moscow: By the late hours of 6th October 1941, the spearhead of 10th
Panzer Division was only 20 kms SE of Vyazma, struggling through the muddy morass. The
weather also made the supply problem more severe. Retreating Russian units skirmished with
them continually as they pressed on to Vyazma. No-one knew where the front line was any
more. 10th Pz's orders were to finish off the Russian resistance. "Take
[825 sq Km - 18 Turns]