GENERAL:Real life: Husband, Commercial/Industrial Construction Project Manager WARGAMING EXPERIENCE:Began wargaming in 1972 with Luftwaffe, and enjoyed all the tactical level wargames available, including PanzerBlitz, Panzer Leader, Sniper!, Patrol, Tank!, Richtofen's War, Spitfire, Air Force/Dauntless, Air War, Tobruk, and Squad Leader. On the other end of the spectrum I particularily enjoyed the first edition War in the East, War in Europe, and War in the Pacific. I became a computer wargamer in 1984 and have enjoyed many wargames and flight simulations similar to my tastes in board wargaming. Contributions to HPS Simulations:
Campaign disk design credits:
Other contributions to computer wargaming:
EDUCATION:B.A. in History (Modern European). Minor in German. Creighton University, Omaha, NE. Graduated summa cum laude. MILITARY EXPERIENCE/AWARDS:Army Junior ROTC (High School Level) 1973-1977. Army ROTC (College Level) 1977-1981. Four year full scholarship. Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) 1980. Served as platoon leader in an Company, 4th Infantry Division, Ft Carson, CO. Marksmanship Training Unit #6, Fort Ord, CA. 1979. Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course, 1981. Active Duty, US Army, 1981-88. 1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery (IHAWK) Ft Bliss, TX. Tactical Control Officer, Platoon Leader, Battery Executive Officer. 6th Batallion, 52d Air Defense Artillery (IHAWK) Wuerzburg, Germany. S-4 (Logistics). Army Commendation Medal (two awards), Army Achievement Medal (three awards). |