The Original Shock and Awe

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Around 1650 BC, the chariot was crowned as the queen of the battlefield. Originally designed in Mesopotamia, where they were pulled by donkeys, chariots had come a long way in their development into the jewel of the Egyptian Army of the New Kingdom. Now using lighter vehicles with spoked wheels, and pulled by specially-bred horses, they quickly proved a dominant weapon in the fighting along the Nile and throughout the region. Like the tanks of the modern Blitzkrieg, chariots were used as shock strike forces and/or mobile strike platforms, based on terrain and doctrine, that could respond quickly and effect maximum results. Eventually supplanted by horsemen mounted atop stronger descendants of the chariot horses, the chariot had nonetheless reigned supreme for a thousand years and was both the creator, and the destroyer, of mighty empires.
Speed vs Strength
As would be expected over the span of a millennium, there were many developments over the tenure of the chariot. Each civilization and Army produced came up with variants that reflected their unique terrain, resources, and culture. To the Egyptians: light fast and maneuverable chariots. The Hittites: heavy, protected, and powerful. And you get it all, and more, in Bronze Age Wars. Covering the period circa 1650 to 660 BC, Bronze Age Wars gives you the full flavor of this crucial period in military history. From the rise of the chariot to the fall of the Assyrian Empire, this was a melting pot of historical warfare covering many technological advancements, eventually culminating in the cavalry saddle. All of these units are available in the game in their historical context, wrapped up in a fun and exciting simulation that will test your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat.

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The Nile Beckons

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Bronze Age Wars includes 38 scenarios, 8 of which are major historical engagements. These are completely set up and ready to go for you to quickly load and play.As it was in real-life, most of these battles are fought on open flat plains typical of the Middle East region and the Euphrates / Tigris valley. Such terrain was superbly suited for horse units, and allowed the chariot, and later cavalry, to excel. In common with all games in the Ancient Warfare Series, you also have complete control in creating new scenarios: choosing your army, troop types, and weapons and armor then play them against the computer AI or a human opponent.
$49.95 (CD + Download) $39.95 (Download Only)

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In terms of presentation and functions, Bronze Age Wars contains all the features of previous Ancient Warfare games. So players familiar with the series can jump right in. The easy-to-use interface, plus the single 'Group Command' (used to move many units at once), greatly simplifies giving orders, allowing the player to focus on the fun, but tensely critical, melee phase.Other new game features include: background music inspired by ancient history (by Tyler Cunningham) , an additional 2D view using black silhouette figurine icons, chariot warare, and the introduction of camel mounted units. All together, now you can bring to life a relatively unknown but exciting era of warfare with Bronze Age Wars!
Bronze Age Wars Play Options
- Single player vs. the AI
- Two player hot-seat
- Play by email (PBEM)
- Note: There is no direct Internet/LAN play option.
- 1.0 GHz Pentium/equivalent
- Windows 7 or greater
- 1 GB of RAM
- 350 MB free space on hard drive
$49.95 (CD + Download) $39.95 (Download Only)

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